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If you're new to Tinder you may have noticed the little blue star next to certain matches. We're going to cover everything you need to know about the blue stars on Tinder, what they mean, when you should use them and more. Let's dig into it. 💪

What does the blue star mean on Tinder?
The blue star on Tinder is known as the Super Like, and it's a way of showing someone that you really like them. When you Super Like someone, they'll see a blue star next to your name when they're swiping through their matches.
What is a 'Super Like'?
A Super Like is a premium Tinder feature that lets you show someone you like them before they swipe right on you. The Super Like (ie. the blue star) can give you a competitive edge on Tinder.
Basically, it means you're really, really into them. Like, "I think this girl is a 10" into them. When you Super Like someone, they'll see a blue star next to your name and know that you're not just some rando – you went out of your way to get their attention.

What are the benefits of Super Liking someone on Tinder?
The main benefit of Super Liking someone is that it gets their attention. If you're trying to stand out from the crowd, a Super Like is certainly one way to do that.
Super Liking someone also increases your chances of getting a match. Tinder's algorithm takes into account how often you Super Like someone when deciding who to show you. So if you're looking for more matches, it could be an effective tool in your arsenal.
Where Can I See The Blue Stars On Tinder?
The blue star will show up on Tinder when you Super Like someone - or when someone Super Liked you. You can see the Super Likes on Tinder in a few different areas:
- Blue Stars on the Tinder Discovery Screen - When you see that blue shady background and a blue star on a profile in the Discovery screen, it means that person Super Liked you.
- Blue Stars in the Tinder Match list - When you scroll through your list of matches you can easily see who has superliked you (and who hasn't). On this screen you will see blue stars directly next to your match's name.
- Blue Star on Tinder Top Picks - When you open the Top Picks screen, your eyes are immediately drawn to a group of blue stars. You can Super Like them from this list without even having to tap their profile - just tap the blue star to "Superlike" them

How do I know if someone super liked me on Tinder?
There are a few ways you can tell if someone has Super Liked you on the dating app.
- First, you'll see a blue background and a blue star icon on their profile when they appear in the Tinder Discovery screen.
- Second, you'll see a blue star icon next to their name in your list of matches.
- Lastly, if you're one of Tinder's Top Picks, you'll see a blue star icon next to your name when you open up the Top Picks screen.
If you see a blue star icon in any of these areas, it means someone Super Liked you. 😍
How can I tell who superliked who?
If you're trying to figure out who super liked who, head into your Messages with the person and look at the top of the screen. Here you will see exactly who "super liked" who.
It says I was super liked, but when I swipe right there's no match?
If you get a notification that you were super liked and then match with the person, you might notice that sometimes the match disappears. Unfortunately, this often means that they accidentally super-liked you and then pressed "undo" to reverse it. Sorry, Romeo!
How do I send a Super Like?
To send a super like on Tinder, all you need to do is hit the blue star button under their profile. Alternatively, you swipe up on their profile (instead of swiping left or right). This will notify the person that you've super-liked them for the next 24 hours.
Generally you want to use a super like:
- Use it when you really like someone
- Use it when you're confident you'd be a good match

Can I undo a Super Like on Tinder?
If you accidentally sent a Super Like and want to undo it, you'll need to have either a Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold users account. One perk of having a Tinder subscription is you unlock the yellow "Undo Last Action" button.
What if you don't have a subscription? Unfortunately, you can't undo a Super Like if you're using a free Tinder account. This is one of the many ways they get you to upgrade to a paid account. Don't worry though, that blue star will go away on its own after 24 hours.
How many Super Likes do I get per day?
- If you have a free Tinder account, you get 1 Super Like each day
- If you have Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold, you get 5 Super Likes each day
Can I buy more Super Likes?
If you want more Super Likes, you can purchase them in packs of 5 in the settings section on Tinder. The good news is that they don't expire and you can buy literally as many as you want.
The bad news? Those blue stars are expensive.
A pack of 5 Tinder likes starts at $5, which means each super like is $1. You can get a better deal by purchasing a larger package, but before you do, read the next section to see if they're actually effective.
How Do I Buy More Super Likes?
Want to buy extra super likes? All you have to do is:
- Open Tinder
- Click the profile icon
- Click "Settings"
- Click “Get More Super Likes”
Can I get a refund for Super Likes?
Unfortunately, there's not currently a way to get a refund on Tinder super likes - even if you don't find them effective.

Should You Use Tinder Super Likes?
Depending on who you ask, Super Likes are either an awesome perk of the app - or a terrible idea altogether. Some people find super-likes to be desperate, or off-putting. For others, it sparks curiosity and flattery. According to Tinder, users are 3x more likely to match with someone they “super like.” And apparently the conversations last 70% longer.
This reddit thread has valid points for both sides of the argument, from both men's and women's perspectives and is worth a read. Consider this comment from reddit user /u/tinder_throwaway123
As a woman, here's my advice: Use your Tinder super likes on girls who are firmly within your league, but whom you really want to go out with. I swiped right on a guy who super liked me, after swiping left on his profile previously. Looked through his bio and instagram and realized we actually had quite a bit in common (yoga etc.). Never met up due to miscommunication (he didn't contact me to reschedule) but I really wanted to.
Besides being able to visually communicate that you're really interested in the person, there are a few other perks that come along with using super likes:
- It sends a notification to their phone that they've been "super liked", which can build their excitement to see who you are.
- It pushes you to the front of their match list, which pretty much guarantees that your match will see you.
- If you're not at the very front, then you'll be one of the first few cards and they'll be able to see the blue outline in the background (which will pique their interest and build suspense)
- It can make people pause and actually look at your profile, rather than immediately swiping left or right.
How should I react to a Super Like?
So you've got a Super Like – now what? Well, first of all, congratulations! Someone liked your profile so much that they made a conscious effort to get your attention.
- Check out their profile. Do they seem fun, adventurous, or interesting? Do you have similar hobbies or passions? Do you think you'd have fun chatting with them? If so, consider swiping right.
- Do I need to match with them? Just because someone expressed interest in you doesn't mean you need to match with them. If they don't seem interesting, or it doesn't look like you'd have enough in common, then go with your gut and swipe left.
- Should I mention that they super liked me? This can actually be a great conversation starter! "Hey Bob! I love your profile. Just curious, what made you super-like me?"
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Green Heart Icon on Tinder?
The green heart icon on Tinder is just another way to show interest in someone. It's essentially the same as swiping right, without all the finger cramps. 💚
The downside is that it can be easy to accidentally tap on the green heart instead of swiping right. So if you're trying to be more deliberate with your matches, you may want to stick to swiping right.
What is the Purple Lightning Icon On Tinder?
The purple bolt icon on Tinder is the "Tinder Boost" feature. When you boost your profile, it will be shown to more people in your area for 30 minutes. You can only boost your profile once per day, so use it wisely!
If you're looking to get more matches, consider boosting your profile when you'll be using Tinder the most. For example, if you're going out on a Saturday night, boost your profile an hour or two before you go out. That way, more people will see your profile and you'll have a better chance of matching with someone.
If you're looking to get more matches, consider using your Super Likes wisely. Our recommendation is to use 'em if you got 'em, but don't go out of your way to get 'em. If you have a premium Tinder account, there's very little harm in using your Super Likes - but we don't recommend paying for more. And last but not least, don't forget to have fun. Swipe on! 💙